Wall clock
Wall clock 2110001
170 lei
Wall clock 2110001The watch is battery operated and has a quartz movement. Plastic watch case...
Wall clock 2110002
220 lei
Wall clock 2110002 perated and has a quartz movement. Plastic watch case...
Wall clock 2110004
280 lei
Wall clock 2110004The clock runs on batteries. Plastic watch case. The dial is green because it is f..
Wall clock 2110005
280 lei
Wall clock 2110005The clock runs on batteries. The clock is floating, not ticking...
Wall clock 2110006
280 lei
Wall clock 2110006The watch is battery operated and has a quartz movement...
Wall clock 2110007
280 lei
Wall clock 2110007The clock runs on batteries, the case is made of plastic...
Wall clock 2110008
280 lei
Wall clock 2110008The watch runs on batteries, the case is made of plastic, the movement is quartz...
Wall clock 2110009
150 lei
Wall clock 2110009The watch runs on batteries, the case is made of plastic...
Wall clock 2110010
280 lei
Wall clock 2110010The clock runs on batteries, the case is made of plastic, the mechanism is quartz,..